attempt to evade taxes 意味

  • 脱税{だつぜい}を試みる、税金{ぜいきん}を免れようとする


        evade a massive amount in taxes:    多額{たがく}を脱税{だつぜい}する
        evade paying taxes:    脱税{だつぜい}する
        evade taxes on honoraria:    謝礼金{しゃれい きん}への脱税{だつぜい}を働く
        general tendency to evade taxes:    脱税{だつぜい}しようとする一般的{いっぱんてき}な傾向{けいこう}
        successfully evade taxes:    まんまと脱税{だつぜい}に成功{せいこう}する
        evade taxes via a dummy company:    ダミー会社{がいしゃ}を通じて脱税{だつぜい}を行う
        evade:     evade v. 避ける, 回避する. 【副詞1】 By failing to attend the meeting he completely evaded his responsibilities as leader. 会合に出席しそこねることによって彼はリーダーとしての義務をいっさい回避した He cunningly evaded my questions.
        to evade:    to evade 免れる まぬかれる まぬがれる 躱す かわす 潜る くぐる もぐる
        (in japanese history, a reference to) farmers who abandoned their fields and fled to the cities or other districts to evade onerous taxes:    (in Japanese history, a reference to) farmers who abandoned their fields and fled to the cities or other districts to evade onerous taxes 逃散 ちょうさん とうさん
        taxes:    taxes 公課 こうか 租税 そぜい
        attempt:     1attempt n. 試み, 企て. 【動詞+】 We had to abandon the attempt. その企ては放棄しなければならなかった The mayor's courageous attempts were applauded by the citizens. 市長の勇気ある試みは市民のかっさいを博した Many difficulties
        attempt at:    《an ~》~への試み、~の未遂{みすい}
        attempt on:    《an ~》~の企て
        attempt to:    {1} : 《an ~》~しようとする試み[努力{どりょく}] He championed their attempt to build a union against a powerful firm. 彼は強力な会社に対して労働組合を結成しようとする彼らの試み[努力]を支持した。 --------------------------------------------------------
        to attempt:    to attempt 図る 謀る はかる たばかる 試す ためす 企てる くわだてる


  1. "attempt to ease out of life in the fast lane" 意味
  2. "attempt to enforce assent" 意味
  3. "attempt to enter a market" 意味
  4. "attempt to enter japan illegally" 意味
  5. "attempt to establish a colony in" 意味
  6. "attempt to explode a bomb" 意味
  7. "attempt to extort exorbitant fares from newcomers to the city" 意味
  8. "attempt to extract critical reaction from" 意味
  9. "attempt to facilitate the procedure of" 意味
  10. "attempt to enter japan illegally" 意味
  11. "attempt to establish a colony in" 意味
  12. "attempt to explode a bomb" 意味
  13. "attempt to extort exorbitant fares from newcomers to the city" 意味

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